Jumat, 23 November 2012


Tifa is a typical musical instrument of eastern Indonesia, especially in Maluku and Papua. This instrument resembles a drum made ​​of wood with holes in the middle. There are several different types of Tifa musical instruments such as Tifa Jekir, Tifa Dasar, Tifa Potong, Tifa Jekir Potong and Tifa Bas.

Tifa like a drum, this instrument played by beaten. This instrument is made ​​of a wood with the contents discarded (carved) and on one side of the edges are covered, and the cover is usually used deer skin that has been dried to produce a good sound and beautiful. And the shape usually made ​​with carving. Every tribe in Maluku and Papua have drums with his characteristic respectively.

At Maluku Tifa has other names, such as tahito or tihal used in areas of Central Maluku. Tifa is usually used to accompany the dance war and some other areas dances such as dance Lenso of Maluku is also accompanied by musical instruments totobuang, traditional dance and dance Gatsi Asmat.

Kamis, 22 November 2012


Sasando already played by Rote people since 7th century. Sasando is a harp-like traditional music string instrument from Rote Island of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The name ”sasando” derived from Rote dialect ”sasandu" (vibrating or sounded instrument). Generaly, sasando shape is similar to  other stringed instruments such as guitar, violin, and harp. However, without a chord (key), sasando strings must be plucked with both hands, like a harp. The left hand plays the melody and bass work, while the right hand plays accord. It is unique because one can be sasando melody, bass, and accord at once.

According to legend, the origin of Sasando was linked to folktale of Rote people about the tale of Sangguana. the story is about a boy named Sangguana who lived in Rote Island. One day he tended to savannah. He felt tired and fell asleep under a palmyra tree. Sangguana dreamt that he played beautiful music with a unique instrument. The sound and the melody was so enchanting. Then he woke up, surprisingly Sangguana still remembered the tones he played in the dream. He wanted to hear it again, so he tried to sleep one more time. He dreamt the same song and same instrument. Sangguana was enjoying his dream, however he realized he had to wake up. but he don't want to lose those beautiful sounds, Sangguana tried to recreate the sounds and in no time he create a music instrument from palmyra leafs with the strings in the middle, based on his memory from the dream.

The main part of sasando is a bamboo tube that served as the frame of the instrument. several wooden pieces served as wedges where the strings are stretched from the top to the bottom is Surrounded the tube. The wedges function is to hold the strings higher than the tube surface and also to produce various length of strings to create different musical notations. The stringed bamboo tube is surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried lontar or palmyra leafs (Borassus flabellifer), functioned as the resonator of the instrument. Sasando is played with both hands reaching into the stings on bamboo tube through lontar opening on the front, and the player's fingers plucked the strings in the fashion similar to playing harp or kacapi.

Sasando types distinguished from the number of strings. Sasando ankle (with 28 strings), double sasando (with 56 strings, or 84 strings) sasando gong or sasando haik and sasando violin. Because of that, sasando sound have many variety. Almost all types of music can be played with sasando, such as traditional music, pop, slow rock, even dangdut. Sometimes the differences in the way certain play types depending sasando play style in each region, the ability of the player and not a system of musical notation, particularly for sasando gong.

Rabu, 21 November 2012

gamelan is a traditional musical ensemble from Indonesia which usually use metalofon, gambang, gendang, and gong. The term of gamelan is refers to the instrument / tool, which is a whole unified that is realized and sounded together.

Gamelan often accompanies dance, wayang (puppet performances), or rituals and ceremonies. Typically players in the gamelan will be familiar with dance moves and poetry, while dancers are able to play in the ensemble. In wayang, the dalang (puppeteer) must have a thorough knowledge of gamelan, as he gives the cues for the music. Gamelan can be performed by itself in "klenengan" style, or for radio broadcasts, but concerts in the Western style are not traditional.
There is a Javanese saying, "It is not official until the gong is hung" so Gamelan's role in rituals is so important in java. Some performances are associated with royalty, such as visits by the sultan of Yogyakarta. Certain gamelans are associated with specific rituals, such as the Gamelan Sekaten, which is used in celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi (Muhammad's birthday). In Bali, almost all religious rituals include gamelan performance. The Catholic church in Indonesia is also used Gamelan in the ceremonies. Certain pieces are designated for starting and ending performances or ceremonies. When an "ending" piece (such as "Udan Mas") is begun, the audience will know that the event is nearly finished and will begin to leave. Certain pieces are also believed to possess magic powers, and can be used to ward off evil spirits.

There are many instrument that used in gamelan like kempul, gong, siyem, bonang, suling, kempyang, kethuk, kenong, saron, slenthem, kendang, celempung, rebab, gambang, gender.

Selasa, 20 November 2012


Angklung is musical instrument made of bamboo. According to Dr.Groneman, angklung had already been a favorite musical instrument of the entire archipelago even before the Hindu era.

This musical instrument is made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strikes the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angklung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. TheAngklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in today's Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries.

The oldest surviving angklung is 400 years old Angklung Gubrag. It was made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. In the Sri Baduga Museum, Bandung, Other antique angklung are stored. The oldest angklung tradition is called "Angklung Buhun" (Sundanese: "Ancient Angklung") from Lebak RegencyBanten  Angklung buhun is an ancient type of angklung played by Baduy people of inland Banten province during Seren Taun harvest ceremony.The oldest surviving angklung is 400 years old Angklung Gubrag. It was made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. In the Sri Baduga Museum, Bandung, Other antique angklung are stored. The oldest angklung tradition is called "Angklung Buhun" (Sundanese: "Ancient Angklung") from Lebak RegencyBanten  Angklung buhun is an ancient type of angklung played by Baduy people of inland Banten province during Seren Taun harvest ceremony.